Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It IS Happening!

It's now official! This small town guy is off to St. Paul later this summer to go to the Republican National Convention, working for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer! I just got the final word today, and that's how it'll be! And how about that for a first PAID job in the industry?!

This is really a dream come true in some small way for me. The NewsHour has been the place I go to get news for years now, since I've always thought it to be the most even-handed newscast of any of them. CNN is my second, but that's neither here nor there. I'll be doing all sorts of things there; I really can't yet outline exactly how my time will be spent, but it's going to be great to get my name out there, and the addition of this to my resume I think will be nothing short of invaluable.

I'm so excited for this right now, it's amazing. I'll be hearing more about this over the next few weeks, so I'll be around of that you can be sure.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's Happening!

Wow... what a morning!

It's the middle of Greek Week right now, so life is crazy as it is, but it just got even crazier!

The internship/job that I mentioned in my last post with the NewsHour? Yeah, I'm pretty much sure it's gonna happen! I just got off the phone with one of the senior producers and from what she said, it seems the question is more WHERE to put me, as opposed to whether or not to take me!

Nothing's final yet, but we'll be talking again in the next 24 hours, so don't go far, more is coming!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Opportunity's knocking!

Well THIS is an interesting weekend for sure!

I have now THREE leads for my future. Two are for jobs, and one is for an internship which would be about five different kinds of awesome.

First, I may likely be applying for a job soon in Youngstown. It might be out of my reach, but who knows. Once I get my resume tape wrapped up, that'll be in the works.

Second, Weaver recently informed us of an opening for a reporter that he found in Virginia. It's definitely a smaller market, but it's also probably more the size I can expect to start in.

OK, now to the internship, and this is where it gets GOOD. I have a family member who works for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on PBS, one of the most balanced news discussion shows on TV. Now, granted, I've had two internships already, but this is a rare chance. She recently passed along an oppotunity for me to intern with the NewsHour during the upcoming Democratic National Convention. Now, it's by no means a sure thing, but I've already started to put the gears in motion on this one. Stay tuned for more on that!

In the meantime, now that Blogger is cooperating with me, here's one of the stories I'm most likely to put up on my resume tape, below. If any media people out there should see this, please feel free to leave a comment with feedback. I've been critiqued by a large-market news director, and a larger-market reporter about some of my work before, so do your worst; I can take it.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's starting to come together!

Well, this is fun! I'm finally nailing some packages and I THINK I have two or three worth it on my resume tape. This is good news, since I hope to be applying for a job shortly! It might be a bit out of my reach, but hey, it can't hurt to try. Especially since I have a contact from a past internship involved; that should be helpful!

Anyway, the BC life continues, but with an interesting twist. I seem to be picking up more and more political stories lately. Now, I'm fine with this, but it's kind of weird, seeing as I've only had ONE Poli. Sci. class... EVER. Then again, I am the guy who camped out in his room for every primary through the month of February watching results come in, so maybe that should explain something. I'm kind of wondering if maybe I should look into working with politics (in the news) more. I'm not about to add a minor to get that knowledge, but who knows.

Right now, I'm in the middle of an interesting three weeks news-wise. Last week, my package was on the kickoff/opening of Barack Obama's campaign office in New Castle. This week, I'll be hosting the interview segment and talking to Jim Rhoads, a Westminster professor who worked with the Mock Convention and who is very much in the know when it comes to all levels of politics. And finally, next week is the big primary here in PA, so I'll be out on Election Day doing my deadline assignment, shooting, writing, and editing a story in one day. And yes, I realize that this is what I'll have to do anyway, but it's still a change from the norm for the County Line. Tune in for more on all that LATER this week.

For now I leave you (FINALLY!) with a package of mine. This aired mid-March, so it's not my most current, but it is one of my best ones yet. Enjoy!

EDIT: Blogger likes me again! Package is now available above!