Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weather Woes

This week was definitely another object lesson in how packages can go awry, when NONE of it was your fault. This time, it's the weather that decided to make my life difficult.

Tuesday we had a huge snowstorm, and although we still had classes one of the people I was going to interview who lives off-campus couldn't make it in to campus to have an interview that day, so I couldn't get him in front of a camera. The second person I had contacted also called that day saying that due to the weather and other circumstances, she's be too busy to actually have time for an interview. Argh.

Friday things started to work out though. I got two of the interviews I needed (though I think the audio on one is crap, but that can fortunately be fixed easily.)

So this story's kind of in limbo at the moment. By tomorrow at noon, I'll have a decision on whether or not it'll go forward for this week. I think chances are good that it can though.

Looking forward now, this'll be a fun week. I'll be back behind the anchor desk on Thursday for the third edition of the County Line this semester, anchoring with Amanda C. We're both psyched for it, too, so it should be great. If you want to know if my package turns out in time, watch the show on Thursday!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

How it is in the real world

Wow. This has been one crazy week. I had my first package for the County Line due this week, whcih actually turned out pretty darn good. There were some writing issues that I need to watch out for, but those will hopefully be fixed next time around.

THIS week, though, I have to say was special in SOOO many ways. I had pretty much everything in my life decide to happen over the past few days, which made getting things done a matter of "I only have this half-hour slot to write this four-page paper... GO!" Granted, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's about the feeling I've had.

I woke up this morning, the first day things will be relatively peaceful, and was inwardly moaning and groaning and thinking about how nice it will be when I get a "real job" to not have to worry about anything else while doing a story, when it hit me that I still will. I intend to have a family, a life outside of work, friends, all of which take time, and some of which will certainly run into each other and cause some craziness in my existence! Thinking about it that way, I'm now actually kind of glad this week was as crazy as it was. I do however hope that theNEXT week won't be so nuts.

I'm going to try and start posting my packages from The County Line on here for this semester, but I don't have the first one with me, so keep an eye out for that within the next few days.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Wrapping it up and starting ALL over

So the last few days at WOOD were absolutely awesome. I got to go out on a VO/SOT my last day there, and this time the opposite thing happened again, but in a better way. The expectation here was that the story would be a non-event and we'd come back with a significant feeling of blah.

Not so, as it was. The event we went to was a speaker at Calvin College. He was talking about a medical procedure he pioneered in order to allow a family to take care of this SEVERELY disabled person. The treatment had a LOT of thought put into it, and was eventually approved.

However, a group of people from disabled person's advocacy organization were outside of the speech protesting his methods, and they were disabled (yet functional) themselves.

And then after that, I went back and had lunch with the news director and the rest of the interns. That was one of the best learning experiences I had there, becuase she shared a lot of wisdom gleaned from her experience with us, some of it I will remember for a good long while. After that, I just said my goodbyes as people left for the day, and I was really surprised with the friendliness of people as I was leaving. That only confirmed my plan that by this time five years from now, I want to be back at WOOD, but this time, being paid. *grin*

And that about wraps the internship up; I'm back at Westminster now, and getting back to the grind of college life. I have no radio time this year, but I'll have a TON of time on the TV station, so it'll be interesting for sure to work in TV more this year. Anyway, thanks again to EVERYONE at WOOD. I'm hoping to keep in touch, and hope to drop in again at some point when I get back to Michigan.

More WC BC adventures coming soon!